Software-Werkzeug gegen Fachkräftemangel - 1 - en

Software tool to combat skills shortage

tepcon "instructor" as a software tool against skills shortage

Digital instructions help to overcome a wide range of challenges in the day-to-day operations of manufacturing companies. As a worker assistance system, the tepcon instructor is also part of a strategy for dealing with issues relating to the shortage of skilled workers.

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SMEs in the industrial and manufacturing sectors in particular have been under increasing pressure for years. In addition to the generally tense situation, characterized by rising electricity and energy prices, weak demand and a lack of investment, there is a shortage of both qualified specialists and workers in general in almost all sectors. In order to hold their own in the face of growing competition, companies need strategies and technical solutions that can help them to increase the efficiency of production processes while maintaining at least the same level of quality, reduce downtime, lower maintenance costs and at the same time effectively speed up the training and instruction of even unqualified workers. The tepcon instructor, a system for the simple creation of digital instructions, offers a wide range of options for permanently securing specialist know-how in the form of operating, assembly and service instructions within the company and making it easily accessible.

tepcon instructor supports predictive maintenance

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tepcon instructor: the digital specialist

"Digital worker guidance based on the tepcon instructor offers reliable solutions for elementary challenges of the present and the future in the manufacturing and processing industry as well as in the construction industry and other service sectors," says Christoph Kluge, Managing Director of tepcon GmbH. "Know-how for daily tasks and processes in maintenance, repair and servicing is no longer tied to individuals or stored in documentation that is far removed from practice, but is recorded directly on the object, during the process and can be permanently retrieved and made available in the company in an easily comprehensible manner."