Independent and safe working with efficient
assembly and service instructions
Digital instructions are specific, digitized instructions and manuals that are used in various industries. They are used to support complex but also simpler processes, procedures, machine operations, maintenance work and repairs. These instructions are often presented in electronic form and can be accessed on various platforms and devices such as computers, tablets or smartphones.
With the "instructor" from tepcon, you can create digital step-by-step instructions yourself in just a few minutes.
Onboarding at tepcon is a seamless process that supports our customers right from the start. Our dedicated team is ready to answer questions and understand individual needs. With easy-to-understand training materials, we ensure that customers can use our "instructor" software solution with ease. We place particular emphasis on a user-friendly experience.
Our aim is for our customers to feel well looked after from the outset and to work with us with confidence and pleasure. At tepcon, onboarding is more than just a process - it is the cornerstone of a successful partnership.
Whether you are in the mechanical and plant engineering sector, the construction industry, the production and automotive industry or the service segment, we bring experience, unique ideas and an understanding of specific needs and industry conditions. Our aim is always to provide our customers with the tepcon "instructor", a tool that expands their possibilities and thus creates competitive advantages.
In development, we benefit greatly from the practical proximity to our sister company AP&S International GmbH. We not only sit in one building, we very often sit together at one table: everything that falls within the software area, whether directly in the AP&S machines and systems or around them, we design together as efficiently and innovatively as possible right from the start. Decisive synergy effects here are an intensive exchange of ideas, practice-oriented solution development and rapid implementation. We successfully apply the experience and knowledge we gain through this collaboration to new projects with other industrial companies.